Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Self Publishing Re-releases

The other week, while checking out what my writer friends were doing, I stumbled upon Zee Mondee's blog. Well, that's where I'll be on the 12th, talking about my experiment with self publishing my earlier releases which have reverted to me.

Zee is from Mauritius, that beautiful island to the west of southern Africa. I've never been there but my parents honeymooned there in 1961 before it became a tourist paradise.

Anyway, if you want to pop over there and hear about what I'm doing with Kindle Select, Smashwords and CreateSpace, I'd love to see you.

The following day - September 13th - I'll be blogging over at my old friend, Ivy Truitt's Manic Readers - about Getting My Rights Back and the decisions to be made. Especially with my latest release, A Little Deception, which I'm currently reworking and upping the heat level - as per my readers' requests.

So, hopefully you'll join me...

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